Today is an extra special Friday as it is daisyboy11's 12th birthday - henceforth he shall be called daisyboy12! Where does that time go he was such a little thing and now he is almost in High School.
Today he has a free dress day then a swim in the college pool and a sausage sizzle for lunch (they are having a fundraising day). Then this afternoon I am picking him and four of his friends up for a birthday afternoon and two of them are sleeping over.
daisyboy7 has swimming.
and daisyson17 has three weeks of school left after today (2 of those exam block where he only has one exam)
daisydad is coming to the end of a frantic work week.
So all in all my lot were quite cheerful as they tottered off this morning.
Hope they come home in happy moods too!!!!!
But only a little cleaning and a little gardening so hopefully I can do a lot of sewing.
I picked up some fabric from Spotlight last night to make pj pants (inspired by The Old Dairy ) I rarely buy farbic from Spotlight but I was pleasantly surprised by how much 100% cotton they had for such things.
I also picked some things for daisyboy12s
birthday. And I got some of the grocery shopping done for tonight's Halloween shindig (Halloween biscuits, pumpkin pie, "body part" pizzas)
I choof off to my little job tomorrow and then daisydads family will be here in the afternoon to catch up with those relatives from England. We are having a "picnic in the paddock" which is the easiest entertaining we do everyone brings chairs and rugs and a picnic for their family and away we go!! I think with everyone these days including the in laws and new great neices and nephews we number somewhere in the 70s.
I have been very remiss in welcoming some new commenters to daisy mountain so to anyone who has stumbled upon us - HI there!!!!
I also had an email yesterday from someone who thinks I am "amazing" - I am really not. A few times in my life people have told me I am intimidating and that was another expression this person used yesterday. I really don't feel like that is what I am projecting - and to make sure you all know I am just normal I have a special post on Monday.
It will show you the views of my garden that I deliberately didn't show in my photographs - the fabulous crop of weird grassey weeds in the garden under that gorgeous pink rose bush, the absolute mess in the alley way between the house and water tanks, the inside of my "potting" shed (which to date has NEVER been used for potting anything because it is full of "stuff"), and the real not-sitting-on-my-knees-so-I-can-look-over-the-top-of-the-blue-top-weed view of the dam from those chairs near the vegtable garden.
Unless of course I get to and cover the whole lot with mulch on the weekend and then take photos! LOL
But serioulsy we all try to present the best of our worlds in everything we do - but I don't want anyone to think I am some superhuman entity that gets everything done perfectly all the time every day all - it just isn't like that. One of my favourite quotes was from a woman who had come to Australia to run one of our big retail chains and she said....(not quoting this is just my rememberance of it)
I am a terrific Mother, a fabulous wife and and astute and clever business woman - just not all on the same day
Much of what I do show is probably more about how I view the world rather than the strict reality of it. I am a glass half full person - always have been - I choose to look over the weeds, so I can enjoy the view. I choose to ignore the potting shed so I can sit and have tea with my four year old or play poker with my 12 year old.
So Monday a warts and all view of my world anyone else game to do the same?????