Okay you all know by now that I am a tad computer illiterate (and yes you can be a tad illiterate when it comes to the computer it isn't like being a bit pregnant)... But this week I was awarded by my dear friend Caroline over at The Simple Things the Marie Antoinette Real Person Award.
Now i am not sure why they chose Marie Antoinette as the face of the real person award but it is she and so....
I want to pass this award on to all of you who posted real posts ( with and without photos)
so The Real Person Award goes to

Now i am not sure why they chose Marie Antoinette as the face of the real person award but it is she and so....
I want to pass this award on to all of you who posted real posts ( with and without photos)
so The Real Person Award goes to
Mandy - The Old Dairy - for "two for the price of one mess"
Cathy - Cathy's Capers - for "Charity begins and gets packed at home"
Tracey - Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride - for " confessions of the ramshackle patio with chips"
Caroline - sorry lovely you have to have it again for the - "breakfast dishes and empty beds "
Jacqui Jones - I too am addicted to scrap - for "desktop disasters in scrapping and underwear"
Lisa - The Tin House - for "cleaning up before she takes the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!"
and finally to Granny - My Old Fashioned Texas Living Ways - for "Granny get your gun we are going to clean up that coyote"
So Ladies come on down and collect the award and pass it on to all the real bloggers you know (7 I think)
What a great week.....promise I am not going to challenge any more messy room photos for at least another 6 months or so.When I posted the verandah photos I couldn't stop thinking about them so hey presto by Friday afternoon last week it was clean and has remained so, Cathy posted her lounge room photos and then told us today she had cleaned it up, Mandy fessed up about the study and showed us and then went in and cleaned it.....and I bet Caroline won't be able to help herself she will get that empty bed planted out this weekend.
So we know where the mess is - we know we need to fix it (or hide it) - we post the photo and it is like once the confession is out there we know we can just stop feeling guilty and get the thing clean. I think it is hysterical that we all posted bits we were ashamed of then fixed them as soon as we did!!!
You guys are great - have a terrific weekend.
love and hugs
PS: Just so you know - here is the sewing room AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Given up all hope of it being clean any time in the next three weeks.
Hi DaisyMum7
I do hope you enjoy the apricot puffs. B15 is so excited to think someone in Qld is going to enjoy them tonight. Have a great weekend, we look to be in for some nice mild weather so I hope to get out in the garden.
Perhaps I'll take a picture and shame myself into weeding it! Ha!
Cheers (with a glass of Cab Sav in my dainty hand..) - Joolz :)
Good Morning DaisyMum7...and thank you very much for the major award...I am deeply honored!
P.S. Today the "before" pictures will be taken--not to be exposed until repairs are done (probably next spring, so please don't hold your breath ;-)!
Thanks so much for the award, I'm can't wait to tell my Mum I got an award for being messy....lol.
Guess what.......
I didn't clean the desk I just went to the sewing room and stayed there all day, and now the desk is still messy. May-be one of the children will misbehave on the week end and there punishment could be to clean the desk........
Just a thought really wouldn't do that?????
Hmmm, I totally don't see any mess, I just see some fabulous fabrics and a quilt on the side.
Hi there
My K17 would like to know what subjects Daisyson17 did for his Yr12.
Isn't it a relief that it's all over now?
Cheers - Joolz
I have an award for you, drop by and pickit up
Cheers - Joolz
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