Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A new addition to the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my stove - a bit sad I broke the glass in the door sometime ago and when I got the quote to fix it it was almost the cost of a new stove. So we have lived with it and cooked in the BBQ. Now the piezo ignition has died in three of the burners at the top and the bottom of the oven has a big rust hole in it. (well that was there when we moved here five years ago - the stove hadn't been treated well - or cleaned for that matter)

The other week a friend of mine was saying she was getting a new stove - and she offered me hers - but - I had to get the hinges on the door fixed as the door didn't close properly and there were scorch marks on and around the knobs.

So amidst another horrible storm last week my wonderful daisyson21 went to their place on the way home and pulled out their old stove helped put the new one back in place loaded her up and bought her home.

I couldn't resist playing with it and I flicked a little taggy thing on the hinge and the whole door came off in my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!! So after a big lecture from daisyson21 about leaving things alone until it is daylight and not flicking things until I know what they do...he got the door back on, then we realised the door was bent not the hinges so with a few strategically placed taps with a hammer the door is fixed!!

Here is my new stove all ready for someone to come and connect up....so why isn't it?? well the oven is electric I have never used an electric oven before - I might have to actually pre heat! So anyway now we wait until pay day next week and get the men (one electrician, one gas guy) to hook her up.

How much did I pay for this miracle??? Well nothing really I have to do some ironing at my friends house for a few months and that is it. I love bartering for things it makes so much sense - this stove would have ended up on landfill somewhere I am sure instead of in my kitchen looking fabulous and cooking something for my family every day. I will post a photo when it is installed and clean and with the glass lid on it etc.

I know posting about a stove is strange but it is an integral part of the tools that I need everyday to do the things I do - don't get me started on the washing mahcine - I almost had a nervous breakdown when our last one died - seriously as long as my laundry is clear I can function but two days without a machine around here is like being buried alive.....but I digress.

Gavin from the Greening of Gavin is talking about greening the home today in his Zero Footrpint series - this is an example of how by just paying attention to what people tell you - things can come your way without costing money, just some time and ingenuity and maybe a bit of ironing!!

happy day



jacqui jones said...

very nice
oh how i miss my large stove and oven there is nothing like being able to fit all the coookies in in one go!

Teena said...

Oh isn't it beautiful? Happy day indeed!

Unknown said...

I know it is silly but I am so absurdly pleased with the thing it is just lovely!!!


Linda said...

I would be absurbly pleased too.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

There is nothing wrong with doing apost about a stove, whebn it looks that great I would to. I did one about a washing machine so why not a stove. Just in time for Christmas too, bet you are thinking about all the yummy things you can cook up....

Unknown said...

I have decided she shall be called GLORIA - no particular reason she just looks like a GLORIA.


The Vintage Rose said...

Welcome to Gloria, may she serve you all well, with many delightful aromas, warmth, appetizing, fulfilling meals and treats. May she be connected soon and may the cook(s) adjust soon to her ways, with patience, persistance and pun!

The Tin House said...

How fantabulous! I don't think it's odd to post about a stove at all. We all need to use them, and we all want one that works and produces what we need to make for our families. I'm looking forward to seeing this little beauty all cleaned up.

Lisa x

p.s. long live Gloria. May her reign be golden.

Unknown said...

May Gloria cook up wonderful meals for you and your family!
