Monday, November 3, 2008


Over the weekend I received some comments from Linda the remote treechanger, caroline from the the simple things and tania from outback - all giving me awards for my blog. It is terribly flattering of you all and I sincerely thank you.

However not being very computer literate with some things I have no idea what I am supposed to do to "pick them up".



Thanks girls I got the award logos downloaded and I have sent the awards on to some of my favoruite blog sites WIll bput them in a later post so they get the recognition they deserve by being at the top of the posts lists.


Linda said...

They can be posted like pictures. So to do that you right click on them and save them, from one of the blogs that have them displayed.

In the sidebar you can add it as a picture gadget.

Go to layout and click add a gadget at the top on the side I think.

Unknown said...

thanks Linda

Caroline said...

Guess what?? They were my first ever rewards. I didn't have a clue how to pick them up either as I am new to blogging I had to send a message to Linda to help me too
God Bless her.Caroline

The Vintage Rose said...

I'm a newbie too.
Carolyn told me: To pick up your award go to the blog (giving award) right click on award then it will probaly say something like
"save as" click on that & you can then save it into your computer mine just go in my pictures folder ie-photos. Then when you do a post you can load it like you load your photos. Thats for when you do a post to send it onto the blogs you like. To save it onto the side of your blog go to your Layout page then you will see it says "add a gadget" click that then go through till you see "Picture" click on that you can then download it from wherever you have it on your computer. Hope that helps you if not send me another comment. I had to ask this as well when I got my first award and I have to still ask about other things there have been some lovely ladies that have helped me.

Unknown said...

Hi Vintage Rose and welcome to daisy mountain. thnak you for all the advice girls when I get a chance to day i will do as instructed.


Mandy's Pink Home said...

Guess what? I gave you an award too.