So the question of the day it a sweet potato?????? I had a few left over from a box of organically grown veges and it sprouted at the eyes so I cut it up and put it in this pile of lawn clippings under the cubby. Well the cubby got pulled down at Christmas time and this little thing has grown and grown.
I didn't know if sweet potato grew from eyes like real potato but if this is one then they do - how cool is that??? I think that is the amazing thing about potatoes you can cut the little eyes out and hey presto in a few months potatoes.
BTW Stewart if you are reading this - those freebie ones surprised us all - I thought they had gone to the garden god but no - they gave me a nice bucket full of potatoes just yesterday little but enough for a few meals.
1 comment:
Hi DM7, it certainly looks like a sweet potato and as seen as you planted some there then this doubles the prognosis. I've grown Sweet potato from sprouting tubers before so that's right also.
Glad to hear about your potato crop, they taste fabulous when they are freshly dug.
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