I had been saving toilet roll cardboard to plant seeds into - so I wrapped them in some old Christmas paper, put a strip of paper with the dates on them around them and poked another peice of paper with the "thing" for the day inside. Threw them all into a big glass bowl and VOILA people Advent calendar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best bit is when Christmas is over I can still use them to plant seeds in!!!
Todays "thing" is CLOTHES - sort through all the kids clothes and hunt out Christmas outfits for santa photos, outings, parties etc. get them celaned and pressed and ready to roll.
All this talk of Advent needs some explanantion so...
The word Advent is from the latin word Adventus which means "coming".
Advent with a capital A usually refers to the "coming of Christ into the world" or to the liturgical period preceding Christmas.
In the 8th century Advent was observed not as a liturgical celebration but as a time of fast and abstinence.
In the 9th Century the Catholic Church designated the first Sudnay of Advent the beginning of the Church year.
Update on daisyboy20:
He looked great yesterday although his blood pressure is a bit low he may even be home this afternoon we shall see what the doctor has to say today. Thank you all for your good wishes, positive vibes and prayers for us all.
Have a gradual day..................
oh what a tops idea
i love it
Gosh your clever!
Oh you too are funny - they are just dunny rolls wrapped in paper!!!!! But they o look quiote festive and they do the job
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