Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bon bons, birds and Christmas bling!!!!!!!!!

I can be quite weird about some things and one of those things is Christmas Crackers or Bon Bons. Nobody else in the family is allowed to buy them, they must match the plan I have for the colour theme for the year and the little trinkets MUST be worthwhile. I am sure nobody else gives a toss and daisydad doesn't care as long as they have those awful paper hats in them which we all must wear (his weird Christmas thing).

It takes a long time to buy the right Bon Bons first I start with how I want the table to look for the main Christmas meal and what colours I will use (This then becomes the colour scheme all the presents are wrapped in - but more on that annally retentive feature of my nature later in the month - there are rules) and then I choose ones to match. I used to buy really expensive ones (I have been known to spend over $100 on Crackers - yes I know DUMB but it is only once a year and they are lovely).

One year I went all brown paper and string and gum leaves and I made the crackers myself complete with good cigars for the guys and lovely lipstick for the girls (pre kids days).

Last year I bought CHEAP bon bons - why? because I couldn't find the right colour green and silver anywhere (Bon Bon shopping involves many trips and much looking before finally deciding - I have even been known to buy four or five lots and return the ones I don't use).

As we sat down to Christmas Lunch I was apologising profusley for the cheap bon bons (again noone cared) but they gifts were fabulous and in fact I am still wearing a pair of BLING earrings that came out of them. (they do hurt my ears after a few hours but they they are CUTE)

This year we go to the beach and have to have Christmas away from many of our traditions. So we are making our own decorations for the LIVE Christmas tree we will get when we get there and wrapping the presents in newspaper with red ribbon. So these are my Bon bons for this year as you can see they were cheap as well ( I have to buy two packets though).


This very Christmassy fellow arrived on our verandah this morning and continued to sit there while we went about our morning routine. How couldn't you be in the Christmas Spirit when there are these reminders around you from Mother Nature herself.

The story of the Christmas cracker is really a testament to one man's ingenuity and determination. Tom Smith was a confectioner's apprentice in London in the early 19th century. On a trip to Paris in 1840, he admired the French sugared almond bon-bons, wrapped in coloured tissue paper, and decided to introduce them in London. These bon-bons were popular, but not quite as Smith had hoped.
For seven years he worked to develop the bon-bon into something more exciting, but it was not until he sat one evening in front of his fireplace that his great idea came to him. Watching the logs crackle, he imagined a bon-bon with a pop. He made a coloured paper wrapper and put in it another strip of paper impregnated with chemicals which, when rubbed, created enough friction to produce a noise. He knew that bangs excited children (and were said to frighten evil spirits) - and the mottoes and poems he inserted inside the crackers amused adults.
The new product was initially marketed as the Cosaque, but “cracker" soon became the commonly used name, as rival varieties were introduced to the market. The other elements of the modern cracker, the gifts, paper hats and varied designs, were all introduced by Tom Smith's son, Walter Smith, as ways of distinguishing the company from the many copycat cracker manufacturers which had suddenly sprung up.
One of the nicest stories told by the staff of Tom Smith is that of the gentleman who sent a diamond ring and a ten-shilling note, with a letter requesting that a special cracker be made with the ring inside, as a proposal to his ladylove. Sadly, the gentleman did not remember to include his address! Maybe the engagement never happened, because he did not get back in touch with Smiths, and the ring, together with the money and the letter are still kept by Smiths in their archives.

Today is Library Day - afternoon tea in the park near library, sign up for the summer reading club, and get out a load of books to take on holidays including Christmas Stories. We will also hunt out all the Christmas books we have on the bookshelf for bedtime/quiet time reading.
Yesterdays Clothes day was fun (but I am still doing the washing generated by it) we culled a bit but I think the 3 little boys (who all share one room) have way too many clothes so I am going to be ruthless we have been gifted a lot of hand me downs lately and I cannot keep them all, things just get too messy.
Before we head off to the library this afternoon I am going to spend a chunk of the day getting some sewing done. First and foremost that secret santa gift for out Patchworkers Christmas Party next week. Then a pair of pants for me and then maybe a few more stock items for the Designers Emporium Markets - I used to attend this all the time but with working on Saturdays I let it go as I didn't want to be away two days on the weekend even if it was only once a month. They are having a fundraiser for the Royal Childrens Hospital this weekend so I am trying to get a last minute spot and get rid of some of the stock I still have on hand. If anyone close by wants to go have a look at their website for details If you come along I am Daisy Mountain Designs.(if I get a spot)
Have a great day


My Veggie Garden said...

Fair Dinkum, No I know all about crackers. Thanks daisymum7.

Teena said...

Poor Smiths, holding that engagement ring all those years!
I have those parrots by the hundreds in my flame tree and mulberry tree at moment, put some chillies out for them Daisymum, they love them and you will have a feathered friend for life! I leave chillies out for them and they visit me every afternoon on the back deck for a feed of home grown chillies and a chat. Soo incredibly beautiful!

Caroline said...

daisymum where are the markets ??couldn't see it on the site but then again maybe I am just suffering from domestic blindness like my other family members.

jacqui jones said...

i got our bonbons too this week
this year opting for just chrismasy ones...but with in my eyes the added bonus of a stuff them yourself feature
im yet to look for things to go in them..but 6 bonbons with bad jokes, hats and everything else ready to go for $2.95 was pretty good in my eyes. i found them at kmart

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Sorry daisymum have to side with hubby here, I love those awful hats and make everyone wear them. lol
I always make my christmas crackers to suit the table, and I even buy the hats to put in them,write out my own jokes and buy a small pressie for each peson to pop in them. I use my bon bons as name tags at the table this way every one knows where they are sitting and they get the right pressie. Gotta love the hats though just not Christmas lunch without them.........