This poor chilli died while we were away on holidays for four weeks - not sure how as it was the wettest january we had had in some time - but die it did. The pot has been sitting on the verandah empty and forlorn (and hidden under a particularly vigorous geranium) this morning I moved it and this is what I found.
So this time I promise not to drown it in a mass of tea leaves (we empty our teapot into these pot plants every morning some love it (ie the vigorous gernanium) some curl up their toes and die (not tea drinkers) and some just kind of stagnate and don't do much (maybe they prefer coffee).
So far for the year I am 16 seeds ahead of the days. So I willnot plant any seeds for the next 16 days ( well you know I will I bought some gorgeous Eden seeds today herbs mainly) How is your tally are you on target for a seed a day in 2009???
Have a fantastic weekend
Some might survive tea but I'm telling you nothing absolute nothing survives my chooks & oh daisymum why don't you do a post on getting seeds to germinate then I might at least be able to get one for the year instead of your 365. Mmmm not my strong point
Hello Daisymum
I'm with Caroline - how do you get them to germinate lol
Would it help if I moved to another state??
Take care
Hey guys I have had my share of problems too. But I will do a post on that tomorrow or Monday.
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