Friday, August 28, 2009

Sad news

I have popped in very quickly to ask those of you who pray to send some away for my 33 year old niece. She has 3 children under 4 the youngest not one yet and she has two malignant tumours in her bowel, and it has spread to her liver,lungs and lymph nodes.

I believe we all have a certain time frame that is preordained by fate, the universe, God, something but that doesn't mean you can't fight to push the edges of that frame every step of the way.

Have a wonderful weekend hug your family close and tell them you love them.



Mandy's Pink Home said...

If there is one thing we know cancer has no manners, it just steps on in and takes all in it's path....It makes me so angry to hear of a young Mum like this...I will be praying for her and her family..Blessing to you all daisymum....

Joolz said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your niece and family at this time. What a bastard that disease is.


Margaret's Ramblings said...

Cancer may have no manners but that doesn't mean to say that it should always have it's own way. As a fifteen year survivor I send you healing prayers and thoughts. My thoughts are with her and her little ones. Take care of yourselves.
