Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Ruffian" update

I had a little time yesterday afternoon and I found some more scraps in my sewing room so I sewed them together and added them to the "Ruffian".

I found a pile of bigger ugly fabric scraps - so I sewed them together for the backing so I am ready to quilt this baby on our quilting retreat in a few weeks.

Tired and hungry just got home from work it has been a long day.....



Mandy's Pink Home said...

It's lookin the name Ruffian so boyish..slowlent

Angie said...

Looks pretty well quilted already to me! Shows you what I know about it

Teena said...

Hello spunky girl...guess who's visiting you! I'M BACK!!!!


borderline syndrom said...

It's looking wonderful! Good work!