Heres where we parked and spent Christmas morning after the whole present thing (at the foot of the coloured sands on Rainbow beach)...daisydad smiled all day - I started to think "our traditions" were really "my" traditions - so from now on things will be a bit different - it was such a relaxing wonderful Christmas. I missed the decorations that we have bought each child each year and the excitement that goes with pulling them out and remembering and putting them on the tree but honestly that was about the only thing I was lamenting - so a new tradition will be born incorporating that element and getting rid of the rest of the STUFF - talk about simplifying Christmas!!!
First day of working mum world.....................
Although I have had this little job for a few months now it has always been on a Saturday yesterday I went off for my first weekday of a working week....it went somehting like this.
After not wanting to get out of bed becaue I am still in holiday mode I got up got dressed, changed clothes, changed shoes, left far too early only to arrive at work without the office keys...call daisyson20 to bring them to me, boss stops in and opens the office on her way to first appointment, a great start!!
Kitchen is filthy, office untidy, there is literally a pile of files with my name on them (think to self wasn't anyone here for the last three weeks???) work work answer phone work, work, clean answer phone....
text message from daisygirl big brother is picking on her blah blah blah....think to self didn't know you could send a 7 SEVEN page text message......
work work, gobble salad I made last night at desk in between phone calls, work work, answer phones.....
Need coffee ......coffee shop next door closed - it is only 3 o'clock!!!!!!
5.25 okay leaving now I have left a list of things for "otherworker" to do tomorrow, I think we need to blah blah blah.....
5.40 shop for chicken thighs for dinner think there is some curry paste in the cupboard somewhere, ring daisygirl put on rice cooker for me honey?
6pm arrive home - house is amazing the kids have tidied up and cleaned the little boys room - you know THE LITTLE BOYS ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boxes of toys for goodwill, no lego on the floor and the clothes folded and put away - there are even fresh vases of flowers - I love my kids!
6.40 dinner - did I mention that daisydad and I have decided no wine during the week anymore we will go back to our old ways and drink only water with dinner - BUMMER - I need wine!!
by the way I have to work again tomorrow.....................................
So this morning I got up at 4.30am drove into town and got the bread I forgot yesterday and pulled everything out of the vege garden, got a nice basket of eggplant, tomatoes, beans and the tiniest potatoes I have ever seen. Will stop and get some manure on the way home to add to the soil.
off to fold some clothes and stick a load of washing on the line before work.
its great to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: the camels wandered past us late on Boxing Day afternoon as we sat on the beach north of Ranbow Beach about 8km south of Inskip Point. It was quite surreal they are so quiet and slow and gentle their hooves barely mark the sand - I think i would like to go about my life like a camel, needing little and leaving only the barest of footprints.................................so from time to time over the coming year you may see some other photos of those camels just to remind me what I am aiming for.
Welcome back :) I see you have had a most glorious adventure. Thank you for visiting me...and indeed you are most welcome anytime!
I am going to re~read your lovely post..and dream I am on Vacation!
Glad your back . Sounds like you had a great time. Boy you have some great kids!!!!!!!
What a fantastic quilt, clever you and made from recycled fabric too!
I am glad you are back and that you had a great break over Chistmas and New Year.
You have a lovely helping family, want to lend them to me for a while?
What great kids! I hope they keep it up for a while so you're not too overwhelmed with work. I do actually find, the longer hours I work, the more organised I am at home with washing, tidying etc. And I can't wait for school to start back!
K17 gets her first round of Uni offers on Thursday. Fingers crossed. Her T.E.R. (with bonus points for being first to attend uni, coming from rural area, doing Chem as Stage 2 subject)is boosted from 88.45 to 96.75 at Uni SA in Adelaide. Pretty bloody good, eh?
Take it easy, if that is at all possible....
Cheers - Joolz
Thank god your back! I was getting lonely.
Welcome back from your Holiday Adventure. Your new schedule sounds busy...how lovely to come home to such care and thoughtfulness from your family. You are truly blessed DaisyMum. It's good to have you back.
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