Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tablescape Thursday

It is cold here today but when I got home from work the sun was out and I felt like a cup of tea. So I made a quick batch of pikelets and a pot of tea and set up this little table to have my afternoon tea (with daisysons 5 and 8 ) in the front yard in a small patch of sunlight.
An antique silver tea pot, creamer and sugar basin and two of my favourite pink toile tea cups (daisyson5 prefers his monkey mug - not in shot - I wonder why lol)
Ah bliss and to think I wouldn't have bothered if I didn't need a photo for Tablescape Thursday.


Mandy's Pink Home said...

It looks so inviting, and I love the tablecloth..

Joolz said...

Hi Daisy

I do hope you really took time out to enjoy that cuppa in the sunshine. Looks like a very elegant tea party.

Cheers - Joolz

PS Next week I'm gonna drag out some Christmas tablescapes too.